
Here you can find useful documents and links. If you have any questions or require further information please email us on [email protected] or fill in the form on our Contact page.


Between 11 September 2024 and 9 October 2024 the below Preliminary Documentation for the Project was made available for public comments by DP Green Energy in accordance with section 95A(3) of the EPBC Act.The below final Preliminary Documentation includes a summary of how comments made in public submissions have been addressed (Appendix U) and a summary of what changes have been made to the documentation from the Draft Preliminary Documentation (Section 1.1).

Public Notice:

Callide WF_Public Notice

Preliminary Documentation:

Preliminary Documentation Report

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation Report:

Appendix A  – Figures

 App A_2021_9057 Callide WF PD_App A Contents

App A_Figure A-1 Regional context

App A_Figure A-2 Wind farm layout, Project Area, and Development Footprint

App A_Figure A-3 Survey locations – flora

App A_Figure A-4 Survey locations – fauna

App A_Figure A-5 State-mapped regional ecosystems

App A_Figure A-6 State mapped vegetation communities within Project Site

App A_Figure A-7 Threatened flora survey results

App A_Figure A-8 Threatened fauna survey results

App A_Figure A-9 Waterways and connectivity

App A_Figure A-10 Ground-truthed vegetation communities

App A_Figure A-10 Ground-truthed vegetation communities-map series

App A_Figure A-11 Confirmed Brigalow Threatened Ecological Community

App A_Figure A-12 Potential impacts to Koala habitat

App A_Figure A-13 Potential impacts to Cycas megacarpa habitat

App A_Figure A-14 Potential impacts to Greater Glider habitat

App A_Figure A-14 Potential impacts to Greater Glider habitat-map series

App A_Figure A-15 Potential impacts to Squatter Pigeon habitat

App A_Figure A-16 Potential impacts to White-throated Needletail habitat

App A_Figure A-17 Potential impacts to Northern Quoll habitat

App A_Figure A-18 Potential impacts to Collared Delma habitat

App A_Figure A-19 Potential impacts to Australian Painted Snipe habitat

App A_Figure A-20 Typical Road Cross Sections

App A_Figure A-20 Typical Road Cross Sections_sheet 1of3

App A_Figure A-20 Typical Road Cross Sections_sheet 2of3

App A_Figure A-20 Typical Road Cross Sections_sheet 3of3

App A_Figure A-21 Road clearance footprint over 40m w GG Habitat

App A_Figure A-21 Road clearance footprint over 40m w GG Habitat_series

App A_Figure A-22 Existing tracks

App A_Figure A-22 Existing tracks_photos

App A_Figure A-23 Greater Glider fragmentation_Existing barriers to dispersal

App A_Figure A-24 Greater Glider fragmentation_ pre-mitigation

App A_Figure A-25 Greater Glider fragmentation_mitigated

App A_Figure A-25 Greater Glider fragmentation_mitigated_series

App A_Figure A-26 Access track design evolution

Appendices B – U

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App B

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App C

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App D

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App E

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App F

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App G

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App H

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App I

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App J

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App K

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App L

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App M

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App N

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App O

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App P

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App Q

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App R

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App S

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App T

2021_9057 Callide WF Preliminary Documentation_App U


Callide Wind Farm Development Application material is available for viewing/download from the State Assessment and Referral Agency application material webpage(Search for reference number: 2303-33942 SDA or applicant: DP Green Energy Pty Ltd at the link above to view application material)